Next Bitcoin Dublin event announced for 28th January, GSM Solutions runs free bitcoin promotion for people based in Ireland
First up, for any Bitcoiners who are in Dublin, the next Bitcoin Dublin Meetup (which we attended the last one and wrote about it here) has been announced. The proposed topic is on Bitnation.
The date is Wednesday 28th January, at 6.30pm. It’s going on in Busyfeet and Coco Café on Dublin’s South William Street, so two streets parallel to Grafton Street, the Stephen’s Green end.
They have recently put in Dublin’s second bitcoin atm, so along with GSM solutions’s one (which we reviewed here), we now have walk in bitcoin atm’s for buying bitcoin on both the North and South sides of the Liffey.
Secondly, the aforementioned GSM solutions, based along the Luas tracks on Upper Abbey Street have decided that they’re going to give anyone in Ireland who want’s a voucher to get €0.05 worth of bitcoin for free.
You can walk into their shop and request a voucher, so if you don’t have a bitcoin wallet yet, you can get it. The amount isn’t much, but more than enough if you wanted to test something like a bitcoin payment integration, like we’ve done on our site here between WordPress, a great plugin, and Bitpay.
If you want to get it online, there is a cost, a penny, and you’ll get sent out some literature on GSM’s services, which is tech, gadgets, phone and screen repairs, and that sort of thing.
So if you’re in Ireland, and are either interested in meeting people also interested in bitcoin, or working in it (Circle have an office in the Digital Hub) there’s the meetup next week, and if you’re interested in getting your hands on free bitcoin and are either in town around Henry Street, or willing to pay the penny to get it posted, sign up today.
It’s great to see that there’s further growth, and having a really good café (the Xbox Live Gaming Centre I ran back in the day was on the same street), both selling and accepting bitcoin, that means anyone who’s coming to Dublin as a tourist has a place you can get some grub and drinks with your bitcoin.