We have come across a new Irish-based Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency exchange called Bitsane which has launched in the last little while. They are registered in Fitzwilliam Street, although this is a virtual office so it’s unknown if they’re actually operating out of there, or run by Irish people.

However, having a look through what they’re offering, they allow trading between EUR and Dollars into Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Iconomi and Dashcoin, using a Maker (0.15% fee) / Taker (0.25% fee) model, and accepting wire transfers, OKpay and Advcash.

When we looked at the site, due to liquidity more than anything else, it was about €10 out of line with the average BTC/EUR price at the time of writing.

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By BitcoinsInIreland Editorial Team

A staff writer at BitcoinsInIreland.com who covers a range of topics on the site.