For the third year running, Chainsmiths, a Dublin based blockchain consultancy firm, has been running a Blockchain Hackathon, with several thousand euro in prizes, and sponsored by some interesting names from Irish corporate life.

While the team here at BitcoinsInIreland was unable to attend the three day event due to prior commitments, we did hear great feedback from the event, and wanted to point you to some articles covering the day.

The winning team at the end of the the three days was a proof of concept project called Ticket Train, which was a blockchain enabled ticket selling and reselling idea, which may render some of issues around ticket touting to the past. The team consisted of Deloitte staff. Dublin based Marino Software came runner up with a blockchain augmented reality app called Orion, while the other runner up was a French team with a fitness concept called ChaingeMe.

You can also read some articles with photos of the day from the following sites:


By BitcoinsInIreland Editorial Team

A staff writer at who covers a range of topics on the site.